Mountain Holler is a Mountain Dew knockoff soda sold at Save a Lot stores in the United States.
Mountain Holler is a knockoff of Mountain Dew which the can is showing a sun and with the slogan Radical Citrus Thirst Blaster. It is sold in can, in 20 oz bottles and 2 liters. They also sell a Mountain Dew Code Red knockoff which is Mountain Holler Red Howl. The can design has changed from the sun logo to one of a man howling.
Cult Following[]
Mountain Holler has a cult following, meaning some fans of the drinks almost worship it. In slang, a language of words used often by big city people, Mountainted Holler means “The only Kick Ass soda” according to a slang word website. A person on Facebook named Mountain Holler makes photoshops with the Mountain Holler logo.
(Note: Before the word "Facebook" on this document had a capital B on it, which is incorrect. User "GompLicker" has corrected this mistake)